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Grown-Up Juice

24 January 2014 Bookmark and Share

In my last blog I mentioned martinis and their prominent role in every mixologist’s, professional or novice, arsenal. This got me to thinking, why not add a new twist to it by using another classic beverage?

Who doesn’t remember drinking apple juice out of a carton? I know I still buy some apple juice every time I go grocery shopping! And now we can use it for a more adult purpose.

Take these two classics, add a hint of cranberry and you’ve got yourself the best childhood themed adult beverage you could hope for.

Try it out this weekend, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself reminiscing and taking a walk down memory lane. Cheers!

Cranberry-Apple Martini with Mini Fruit Crystals® Cranberry Rim

Yield: 1 drink



Chill a martini glass. In a shaker, combine all ingredients and shake.

Pour Mini Fruit Crystals® Cranberry on a small plate, lay out evenly. Add simple syrup (sugar & water mixture – heat to dissolve sugar) to a small bowl and dip the glass rim in it. Immediately dip the chilled glass in the Mini Fruit Crystals® Cranberry plate.

Strain the shaker ingredients into the glass. Add a tsp of Fresh Origins Mini Fruit Crystals® Cranberry to the drink. Garnish with an apple wedge.